How to apply for the International Press Card 2018
Hobby photographer, Freelancer, full-time or part-time
Movie, Theater, Food, e.g.
And what does ‘journalistic activity’ actually mean?
The basic condition to apply for our International Press Card is that you work in some area of journalism. In the section on the left you can see some working areas, that are considered ‘journalistic work’.
You don’t have to work full-time. Even if you have a Facebook profile or an Instagram account, where you ‘publish’ editorial content, you can order our International Press Card. If you have a blog or vlog too.
It is not important how many followers you have or how successful you are.
Rebecca Mir is being photographed by fashion photographer Alexander Palacios in Frankfurt (Quelle:Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0)
Lizens:You do not need any kind of proof, certificate or verification to order the International Press Card on our website.
The press card may only be used for professional jounalistic work though! This you must confirm during the process of your order.
If you need your International Press Card faster, we offer optional overnight production and express delivery.